I was a was at work today and started thinking about the video I listened to about self-doubt She had said you can't help how you feel but you can help how you react to it. That really had me thinking because I go through my day trying to be the best person I can and well as kind to all. It brought me to my first point about making conscience decisions. I should do that on a continuous basis but I don't sometimes because I get caught up on auto-pilot. Being on autopilot you don't quite realize what I'm doing until afterward and sometimes not at all, or even I do just a bit later and just brush it off by either a justification or excuse I have for myself.
Take smoking or instance. We say it's a bad habit right? What we should do is to remind ourselves just right before we grab it that it's not a good idea than making the conscious decision to not to smoke it. Now after that, we must make a good habit in replace of that bad one. A good habit like finishing something all the way through. Saying our please and thank yous. For a man, it would be pumping lady's gas or opening the door for her. Or simply grabbing aa piece of gum instead.
Mine was mostly a having bad habit of not following through and finishing projects that I start. I first started with coloring in my coloring book. I noticed I started jumping around a bit too much and coloring parts and then losing interest and coloring other parts of another picture. I would have 5-10 pictures that I would be working on. It really was getting out of control. I sat there and then made a conscious decision to not color any more pictures until I finished at least one before I moved on. I would then lose interest and quit coloring for a few days. Being that I wanted to start a new habit that was positive for me I stuck to my guns and colored a picture all the way through. Coloring and making that conscience decision was very valuable. I now have all of my pictures colored and I'm proud of myself for following through. It also brought up my self-confidence in knowing that I can and I did. Even with this blog. It's not easy to continually write stories or even to start one and finish. Not to mention publishing it. Creating good habits and also being consciously aware to make the decisions that are right for the situation, place or thing,
In order to form and keep a good habit os to practice it. It's much easier to practice bad ones as we don't really want to recognize we are doing them,
It was funny I was in the car and I noticed a fast-food chain and thought it was burger king at first. No, it was called Habit. They named a burger joint after a word like habit. If you think about it it really makes sense. Most people get fast food while on road trips and they search out where to eat like. It's like getting fast food is a habit. Eating on road trips at fast food is a habit. That there could and might become a habit too. LOL...I'm just making myself laugh now and being silly about this subject.
My conscience decision today is to make it a habit of thinking positively even in adversity and formulating a system self checklist. I'm going to when I'm having self-doubt ask myself why? Now that in itself will take a concise effort. Honestly make myself answer the question with three answers. Then ask myself if what I'm doing is positive, constructive, and productive. If my answers outweigh the reason why well then I need to set back and let it be in God's hands and trust not to have self-doubt. It's like right now I'm thinking most people won't like what I write but for some reason, I'm compelled to do so. If they don't like it well then they don't. I'm doing something I enjoy and am benefiting from tremendously personally. It must be leading to something good or developing something good in me. I still sure do hope you like it though.
Good luck to you and thank you again for allowing me to share.