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Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Just was thinking, So I'm writing.

Hi everyone, it's been a while since I have written again. I'm so terrible. So terrible that I haven't even stuck to a diet, nor have I been exercising. More like feeding my face and twiddling my thumbs. What's worse I'm sitting here telling you all this and I'm eating chocolates...LOL. 

Hope you like my picture I made it with Affinity. Thought I would put it in here instead of none at all. 

The days have been long, but the time does fly by a bit when I'm playing my interior design games, Boy am I stuck on those. Never in my right mind would I think that I would be playing them so religiously like I do. I have been posting them to my Tumblr. I guess now Tumblr is doing a thing where you can get tipped. I wish I could come up with a good idea for that. I have been a little depressed because I can't really think of anything that I'm really all that great at. Not to mention, I would like to sell something online but not too sure about what. I do have a Deviant Art account and I would love to be able to sell some of my art but in all honesty it's not all that great and nothing compared to everything else you can get there. My self-esteem has been kind of in the dumps.

We do have good news here on the home front. My boyfriend has figured out how to get the water to get pumped from the well to the house. What a relief that is as now he doesn't have to go to our friend's house to fill up the container full of water. The landlord is happy of all happy because now it has just raised his property value and it didn't cost him near what it could have. It's very interesting how he figured out how to do it. It was all mostly physics. I certainly don't understand most of it, but it makes sense to me a little when he explains it. 

Good news is the voices have been relatively low these days. It's nice when they are as it can be very dauting when they just go off all day long. My medication is working about the way it should except I have been getting dizzy quite a bit. Not so good. I did buy some more supplements and vitamins that I hope will help. I'm going to try a new multi vitamin and boost up my magnesium and vitamin B complex. I'm still drinking my shakes which I totally enjoy. That is how I make sure I get the proper amount if super foods, peptides and protein. I also did get another supplement to help with cognitive and brain function plus something to help with my progesterone levels. I was reading that if they are low, it can cause depression and also sleep issues. I do have sleep issues so I'm hoping that these vitamins will help supplement with that. I have been pre-menopausal sense I was 41. Some of that has caused a lot of other issues with me that I'm hoping I can help Aliev with my new regime. I do have to remember to take plenty of water which I forget to do. I get caught up and before you know it the day is over, and I have had little to none but coffee and my shakes. 

I have been staying to myself a lot lately which for me is good as I need that alone time to settle within myself. It gets very difficult to pay the proper attention to people and hold conversations when I'm not as centered as I should be to handle to common disturbance that they cause. Sometimes I feel like I'm all consuming, but it is kind of necessary for me to maintain my disposition and clarity. 

On another note, my cat is getting so BIG! He is so attached to me it's funny. He follows me all around the house and has to be sitting with me when I'm doing my thing. I did pick up painting in hopes to uplift my mood and concentration. It's paint by number which I have never done before. My aunt used to do them when I was a kid all the time. They do them on canvas now without the frame. It is a long process as there are so many little numbers. They give you very little paint which at first, I didn't think was going to be enough, but it was. I bought two of them and the other I think I will send to my niece as she loves to pain too. My hope is that I will be able to finish it and not give up. That is a big thing with me. I try to make sure I finish the projects I set out to do. Sometimes it takes me longer than others but for the most part I do succeed. My boyfriend wants to frame it when I'm done but we will see how it all turns out. 

Did you notice I have a new Logo? I made one before this one with a program called Affinity. It turned out all right, but I thought I would do another so that I can order some promotional items and even a t-shirt for my blog. Wouldn't that be cool? I'm the one that stands in between me being lost and confused within voices and delusions that are not so easy all the time to tell between reality and what is not. Holding true to who Iam, keeping up with my nutrition and medication and my truth helps me to differentiate and keep my sanity. That's what my logo is all about. 

Oh, I did find a group call the HVN Network, which is the Hearing Voices Network. We meet via Zoom and discuss all sorts of things. It's nice that I was able to find them. I can't really remember how I came across them as I do a lot of research. If you or anyone else is interested, please feel free to email me. 

A little funny from me.

Here's a video I made just having fun. Editing is a whole lot harder than it looks but kinda fun. I'm going to try and make some more. They were fun and it brings a little bit more entertainment. I should have made this longer...oh well, next time!


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