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Saturday, March 6, 2021

Let's Get it Right.

I have been doing alright. Waiting now on my disability hearing to take place on my birthday of all days if you can believe that. 

I was just told by my medication manager that there is a test that I can do which they will swab the inside of my mouth and take DNA. This test will be able to tell which types of medications will work for me the best. I wish they had that before now but I get to find all about it more next week. 

I was really proud of myself today. I actually did laundry all by myself at the laundry mat. My boyfriend usually comes with me doing just about everything with me. He such a good guy and very supportive. 

I still continue to have auditory hallucinations, if that is what they want to call it. They say that they probably won't fully go away but can be managed. I do agree as the medication does lower them but not all the time. One thing is that I feel I'm closer to the spiritual side of life. I have even thought maybe I'm a medium yet that seems pretty silly.. I ask myself all the time where these voices and racket is coming  from. They are not always correct about things in my life but they sure do spread light on a lot of different aspects of it.

I'm really trying to be more social and to come out of my room more than not. I do wish I could find a job but it's difficult living in Cuyama. Anyone know of any online jobs available? 

Yeah me! I have now gone a whole day and half without a cigarette. I think I'm gaining a bit of weight but that is to be expected. I'm trying to be aware of my actions and not pick up any other bad habit to replace smoking.

I don't know if anyone is into scrapbooking but I have a ton of paper I could really get rid of. I also have lots of acrylic stamps too. I have collected this stuff for quite sometime and it means something to me. If you are interested in knowing more information please email me or leave a message here.

I'm going to leave here with that for now and I hope to be writing more often. 

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