Today has been an early day. Woke up at 6:30 am. I of course hear hallucinations all day and night. They even wake me up and sometimes they will even remind me of things I have to do for the day.
The strangest thing today. I was heating up some water in the microwave and no more then me turning around I hear a noise. It wasn't in front of me so I leaned over the counter and behind the microwave I could hear a radio station. NO JOKE! I want sure at first so I backed away for a bit and then went back over to it. Sure enough it still was playing. I could hear the disk jokey talking. The water was done so the microwave went off. The radio station was no longer there. I kid you not; that radio must have picked up the microwaves frequency or something. My boyfriend just looked at me like I'm crazy or something,,,lol He couldn't hear it so he thinks it's part of the hallucinations. I say no way this was different. Sometimes the auditory hallucinations can throw the voice, sound,or rythum. I also know that they used microwaves and radios in World War 2 to send over bombs. So if you think about it look it up or even check if your's does it. It only is playing when the microwave is running.. Enough of that. I'm thinking that I'm going to put a link list with my favorite websites.
Anyways, I'm still on the job hunt and trying to find things to keep me busy being productive. Oh one more thing. If you want to try a cool app. Chroma Lab is way cool. This picture is one that I made. So catcha later.