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Saturday, March 12, 2022

Theory and medical reasoning of what may have contributed to Schizophrenia

Found this article. I suffered from bulimia and anorexia for eleven years. Sometimes when I would vomit I would seen stars. That obviously meant that I had a lack of oxygen. It was bad at sometimes not hardly eating anything and feel that I was fat and throw that up too. Sometimes I probably did it about ten times a day. I once almost passed out in the shower and my limbs were tingling. I went to the urgent care and they hooked me up to a ekg. In was then told that I was low in potassium. They are saying in this article that it is tied to eating disorders and Glutamate. I used to take a lot of glutamine. Now I don't know and understand it kind of makes me feel awful that I did suffer and put myself through that for the many years that I did. If it had something to do with me getting this, here see me as an example of why you should never start vomiting or starving yourself. Seek counseling and get on a regular exercise program along with a nutrition diet. Diet is not what you do for week, month or even a year. It is a lifestyle. Believe me once you start eating clean and healthy your body won't even crave anything else or even seem pleasant. It will actually reject it.
Looking in hine sight I wish I knew then what I know now. I would rather bee that anal with keeping to my plan then keeping and making myself sick. It takes a lot of energy, sneaking around, lying to yourself and everyone else not to mention what it physically does to your body and mind. It also works on your psyche yourself worth and esteem.  It even makes you on a sense hullicinate. In a sense because you always see your body as fat. Doesn't matter how skinny you are or even bony for that matter you see yourself differently than what is real. I could give some words of wisdom that would be to never start off something bad when you want a good outcome. Below is the article if anyone is interested in reading it. It is an abstract so there is a lot of medical jargon, terminolgy and theory that may be difficult to understand. Yet if you read it you can get some what there saying and getting at. Until next time be kind to yourself.

Twenty-five Years of Glutamate in Schizophrenia: Are We There Yet?: Abstract. At present, all medications for schizophrenia function primarily by blocking dopamine D2 receptors. Over 50 years ago, the first observations were mad.

Thursday, March 10, 2022

Self Portrait

 Tonight I was playing with Picsart and I made this. I just used their drawing room then I added a photograph of myself. All it took after that was to add some fx special effects. So thats it. Kinda cool. This picture almost makes me want to cry though because it's how I feel too.

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Picsart Competition

This is the original painting I used to create the remix. It was a lot of fun and I got to see the different ways my picture would change with the different filters and Fx. There were a lot of ladies who submitted and we were able to give three each so I don't really think my chances are that great to win. It did though take me out of my comfort zone and forced me to have enough guts and confidence in myself not to self sabatoge. Well here's to putting myself out on a limb. Which had been dificult lately because my art has been taken advantage of and there are people and businesses that are not really be all that honest and up front. I thought differently before but there are things coming to light that just are palatble. Anywho, I still love to create and the show must go on so have a great day and I get back later.


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