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Showing posts with label #THMAGrowingGrounds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #THMAGrowingGrounds. Show all posts

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Up with the Rising Sun

Just the other day I had quite the surprise. My boyfriend brought over three chickens and a rooster home. I knew he had been thinking about but it wasn't for sure at that time. Our landlord is selling his other property so now we get to be chicken sitters. Lucky for us they and paying fir all the feed and they already have a coop. It's so funny to hear a rooster in our backyard. It's quite the scene. It gets me out of the house and we are going to have fresh eggs now. What a deal. I was afraid at first about the chickens because they poop everywhere but I since they are in their own little area it's all good and plus I guess we can use the droppings as fertilizer. Kinda of gross huh? I thought they only used cow manure but I am wrong. What a treat too I just thought about it, Easter is just around the corner. I just love Easter with the chocolate bunnies and marshmallow peeps. I can't eat to many of the peeps but the chocolate is right up my ally. I was thinking now that we are going to have these eggs I should learn how to pickle them. I have never tried a pickled egg before but my boyfriend just loves them. I know they have to he hood for you and they will last forever. I could possibly pickle some veggies at the same time. Here is a picture of our new aditions.

Anyhow, my days have been pretty slow lately however we do have lots of things going on. Helping friends out moving things around and even setting up a platform so we can bring the hot tub over. See, it gets real hot here during the summer so it will be nice to be able sit in a cool pool during those days coming here soon. It has been warm here so much so we took off the extra blanket on our bed. In the winter it gets very cold here. We have extreme weather differences here during the seasons. I did get to plant some veggies, herbs and strawberries in the garden. That was cool. When we were kids my mother always had a garden and she would let the bunnies run through it. I personally have never until now planted a garden. The closet I got was volunteering for THMA  Growing Grounds. They have quite the set-up. They sell to whole sale to landscapers and also veggies to the public. All you have to do is  call in advance to order them and puck them up. They do have some veggies, herbs and fruit trees available in the Growing Grounds Downtown store to take home right there and then. The only thing is you never know what variety they will have. There is also a Santa Maria location located off of Foster Road. On the website they have listed all the veggies, herbs and fruit trees they carry. The tomatoes are just divine and they have a whole bunch of different kinds. See a couple of years ago when I was working there I purchased some tomatoes and my boyfriend grew them for us. Oh yeah, they are always looking for volunteers. Quite a few Cal Poly students come. 
I'm glad to be involved with this garden. I do miss the Growing Grounds nursery and farm. It's amazing the transformation you feel when your there. I went three times a week for three hours at a time. I learned new things and meet some people. We did exercises and stretching before and after work too all in our circle together.  I got to water, which doesn't seem like a lot and no big deal but it so was. I planted a bunch a new baby plants into bigger pots, pulled weeds and even learned hoe to dead head a plant. I even got to pull orders for the customers and clean the plants from dead leaves before they were sold. It was quite interesting how they set the place up. Each section of different plants of different stages where in separate locations throughout the property.  Each section was called a planets name like Saturn, Jupiter, Mars etc. They are on I can't remember how many acres but I did get exercise walking up and down the hill with plants and wheel barrel or flat bed on wheels. Moving them was quite the feet to as some weighed I would say wet soil, plant and bucket...about 30-40 pounds for the bigger ones. I was very happy to go there and participate. That made it a bit easier to find the correct plant and variety. When I was working there it was during Covid-19 and we were lucky to be able to stay open. If not all those wonderful plants which filter our air and water would have died. We had to be very careful and stay 10 feet away from eachother, wash our hands frequently and where a mask. I must have made an impression on them because no longer after two months or so I was ask to work at the Growing Grounds Downtown store. There I was what Sherry called a gatekeeper. LOL. It is a great store and I highly recommend it to anyone visiting or lives in San Luis Obispo Downtown. There is a parking structure right around the corner across the street which I think charges only a few dollars. It's worth it if your going to be shopping and out and about for awhile and not worry about the meter. 
Alright enough about Growing Grounds I think I just about covered all of that.
Today, this morning I woke up to be happily intimate with my partner which has been kinda rocky lately. It's very trying and difficult for a better lack of words. Auditory hallucinations which I call commotion can be very daunting as it wears on me emotionally, physically and spiritually. I have my better days and not so much times but isn't that with anyone just on a different scale. I got a cup of coffee which I personally have to be cautious of. It is a stimulant and does make me quite jittery and give me an upset nauseous stomach. I have to admit I played Redecor, Home and Design Star. Those games don't last very long as I have developed my skills and can put together a room quite nicely in a short amount of time. I just wish I could do that for a living. Like my aunt's job is putting tiles together and coordinating them all day. What a gig! After playing those I have gotten back to reading my affirmations. They do make me smile. Then decided to write. I'm done writing for now as I wrote a bit of a short story. My day today should bring about good feelings, proactive caring of self and be cintructively productive on how I carry on my day.  I say it luke that as I'm getting in a postive mode. Wishing you all just same and if your day just isn't what it should be it's OK, tomorrow is a new day just remember to try and crack a smile even if you have to draw it on your face... LoL....just kidding but yeah smiles are contagIous and bring about great embrace. 

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