I haven't been very good at updating lately. I haven't been feeling all that up to par as the voices had been getting louder. I disguised this with my doctor and she raised my Abilify to 30mgs. Also, we added Miralax so I'm able to exercise those demons at least every three days. This medication is terrible for clogging me up.
Enough of that, Growing grounds is going rather well. I found a nest with some eggs last week and posted it on Facebook. Found out from Google Lens it was the American Robin who laid them. I was also educated by one of the girls that this weed I had been pulling is high in antioxidants and Omega 3. Purse Lane is its name and it grows everywhere. I did taste it and not to bad, seemed to me like wheatgrass.
I did have a setback as I was denied social security disability. I have appealed but hoping my mind will give me a break as I will probably have to find a second job. The medication makes me so tired. I hope things turn around for me on that issue.
All in all, I love the picture above. It's one of those reminders I need sometimes.
My house has also hit the market. It is officially up for sale. Bittersweet I tell you.
I wish I could stay but I guess it's time to say goodbye to it coming soon.
Who knows what's going to happen with my life. I'm trying not to think too far ahead and just try my best day by day.