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Showing posts with label #HomeDesign #interiordesign #decorating #decor #brenfrow01. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #HomeDesign #interiordesign #decorating #decor #brenfrow01. Show all posts

Sunday, February 27, 2022

First of many more to come. (Home Design) Click to view more.

These are some of the rooms I have done for Home Design. Some of them have a higher score than others. Sometimes my budget didn't allow for me to get all the cool items.
Hope you enjoy them.

I will post more again. These games have really jump started my creativity, focus and concentration skills. They also though keep me from writing, so I have decided to share them with you so we can go on this journey together. I will post more of these rooms as we go along. I have to catch up as there are many more to post. I'll try and give you the back story on what I was thinking about putting the room together. Sorry in advance that I dont know what the designer names are for the furniture. So far I have done pretty good though not knowing all that stuff. I'm not rich and fancy so these items are not what I see throughout my days. I'm doing my best though trying to provide a room that is suitable. You will be able to tell the difference in my rooms which ones are better than others. Why I got a higher score than another. I really don't know what they scale their scoring on. We do get to vote on one another so that's anothet element of the game. Which, that is what it is but I think some of these designers are really just that in their professional lives. Anyways hope you enjoy my work.

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