Hiking Near Me

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Spring is Near

 Hiya~ I was sitting here thinking about the date and wondering when Easter is. Its probably my favorite holiday other than Thanksgiving and Christmas. I think its because thzy all have one thing in common and that would be family and great food. I just love children so that always makes it a plus seeing tham enjoying the treats and gifts that come with it. Its always so cute to watch their little expressions and acts of surprise and anticipation. I do enjoy going to church on Easter which I haven't done in awhile, but ut sure would be nice to go back.  

Part of the reason I bring this up is that my fiancé abd I were at Miners which is kinda like a hardware store and I saw the flower seeds. Mind you last time I planted seeds I was so happy that my Morning Glories sprouted and grew pretty good until the darn ants came and ate them all gone. I was so sad, I just couldn't believe it because they are poisionous. Go figure too and they were the only plants that they did eat. This time I'm Im going to p’ant Zinnias. I bought multi- color, purple and hot pink. Im going to keep them away from all the other plants and lake sure I spray for ants! I don't want that to happen again. It was such a dissapointment. On the package it said March to August so Im right on time. Maybe they will be big enough to maybe give one to my daughter. If not thats ok, she'll get one when they do get big and she will be so proud of me.

        Heres a picture of the ones I bought. 
They look so pretty! I hope they grow. Now I just need to get on Amazon and order them some food. I like to order Blooming from Miracle Grow. (I don't make money or recieve any kickbacks from you ordering there if you do.) Just thought I would share the link.
Yeah! I did it...I just ordered Blooming and some potting soil with perlite. My fiancé has plenty of pots for me to jse so I'm not concerned about that. O. A fantastic note, I just got to use my rewards points from my credit card and I had cash back. To my surprise I'm delighted because I've never have recieved cash back rewards before. To get to use them with this order at Amazon is a plus in my book. 
So tomorrow I have to drive all the way down to Santa Maria tomorrow which is an hiur away- Argggg! All because my banks are hopeless when it comes to customer care and transfering money. So needless to say I'm closing my account and moving my business to a bank that is more up to speed with todays customer. Our needs as thier customers need to be met or I'm not sorry, I will pull my business and go else where. I'm sure you would do the same. It costs me fourty dollars everytime to drive down there. That is just too mjch for my taste for a fee just to transfer money.
So we will do a little bit of grocery shopping too and thé cole back home because its expected to be raining all day too. 
Well, gonna go for now. Hope you all had a great day. When you get the chance if you want check out my new Pinterest
I have some great new pins and boards plus I have my Instagram claimed there too. It doesn't have all of them but a lot of good ones  I'm sure you'll like.
Have a great night ~B

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