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Showing posts with label Help. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Help. Show all posts

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Self-Doubt Help for the Creator in Me

It's funny how the world works. I was just talking about me having self-doubt just the other day and I'm surfing the net today and find this great website which is about answering your creative calling. I just so happen to stable along this video called How to Break the Habit of Self-Doubt and Build Real Confidence. I encourage you to watch it as it may help you. Just passing along what I found to be in line with God's grace. It definitely hit a lot of keynotes with everything that is going on in my life. I hope you enjoy it. I'll be touching base back on this subject after I watch the whole thing as it is 16 lessons long. The site is Creative Live and does have other videos so you might want to check it out. 

Monday, March 23, 2020

Slo County Behavioral Health South County

Mental Health
354 S Halcyon, Arroyo Grande
(805) 473-2105 (Youth Services)
SAFE: 1806 E. Grand, Arroyo Grande
(805) 474-2105 (Youth Services)
1350 E Grand, Arroyo Grande           
(Adult Services) (805) 474-2154

Drug & Alcohol Services
1523 Longbranch, Grover Beach
(805) 473-7080

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2025-2027 is closer than you think. With 5G launching yet unemploment is high, disabilty claims pending, this is how I see things.

I've been doing some research and right away I  think real estate as it has the less depreciative value. The MREIT's were catching m...