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Showing posts with label #joy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #joy. Show all posts

Monday, July 3, 2023

Each Mind Matters

I went to mental health today and they had these great coloring pages. Each Mind Matters from California's Mental Health Movement. What a cool thing. 
I have been coloring lots of pages recently. I post all of my pictures on Facebook. I started a group called Adult Coloringbook Colorist because I felt it would be a good idea. A lot of people like to color but not all I thought and Facebook would want us to be posting our coloring pages to the feed. So now I have these great pages to share.
Aren't they great? My meeting went well although I need to start therapy back up again. I stopped because I missed an appointment because I was sleeping. I messaged the therapist but didn't hear back from him until about a week later.Kinda weird, I thought he would of gotten back with me before then but whatever. He just called again today so I should call him back. I just feel I'm not getting all that much out of it. Just talking about my past. That's never really a thing I enjoy doing. I guess therapy isn't suppose to be all that enjoyable or is it? I don't know. I'll call him back.
Anyhow, our garden is doing quite well. We have lots of tomatoes getting bigger. Still green but they are growing quite nicely.

Tomatoes  🍅 

 The peppers and squash are too. The only ones that aren't doing so well is the watermelon.
Watermelon 🍉 

 I would of thought it could handle the heat here, but nope. The squash are getting those pretty orange yellow flowers which I'm excited about.

I had to take pictures to show you. My fiance have our little hands full with these guys. Oh, I still have my herb garden and it's doing well except one of the sage died. I don't remember the variety it was. I had two different kinds of sage growing. 
This has brought much joy into my life. It really helps lift my mood. Just coming out on the porch  to see them all green and growing is a blessing. 
It's been so HOT here. The highest so far it reached 110°. We have a jacuzzi here so my fiance fills it up full of cold water so we can cool down thank goodness. I just have to make sure I drink plenty of water because I get such bad dizzy spells. Even it has been 88°+ at night time. Do you know how difficult it is to sleep at that temperature at night time. Not easy and I have sleeping issues anyways. I think from what I have been hearing is that the heat is all throughout the United States. Even causing storms. No good. I hope it cools down here soon. It's very draining. I tend to loose a little weight though because it's too hot to eat and I'm sweating all day. Yuck, gross huh? Thank goodness for that jacuzzi!!! 
That's all I have for now, I'll write again soon.

Sunday, July 18, 2021

The Cat's Meow

This is Akea. I have always wanted to have a cat but I was allergic. My allergies have subsided ever since the testosterone and I don't seem t have that issue anymore. It's great. Now, he was supposed to be a she but it didn't quite work out that way. None the less he is a bundle of joy. His energy levels are kinda erratic but what can ya say. He is so much fun that I'm tickled pink. He just loves to play and so I had to make a few items by hand. Not to mention he sits in my pencil basket and on my page when I try to color. TOO FUNNY! This cat is a character. 

He's in the box. I think he wondered if he would fit. 

He even sleeps on me... LOL! 

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