I started making AI. I really cant believe my ownself that I'm actually good at it. I can make the girls loon so realistic. Its all in the prompts. Some of them I write little stories and others its about how you describe something or place. Often I sneak in a little math for the lighting like for a photography look. Im so happy tbat Im able to do this. I dont know if you realize how much it means to me. I used ti be really good at photoshop and my other art but niw I cant seem to get it anymore. So it was a real delight when I foynd that Im good at AI. They say that when a talent or sense gets taken away, God will bring you a new gift. Boy do I feel lucky.
AI picture:Brandy Renfrow
I got to hook up my Instagram amd Facebook accounts yo my checking accounts as business and I even setup my DeviantArt to get tips. Im so proud of myself its awesome.
Now for the real stuff. This gets kinda spooky. I should have known better but I ran out of my Abilify. I started I would say about two months of not having it I started to see visions of people and places in my glass stones and and like just appear, It was unreal it look so real. I was kinda getting freaked out. Then I started getting the feeling that my boyfriend and his friends were out to get me. So much so that I destroyed the room and left to my moms which was an hour away. I dont know how he stayed so calm with me.
I went back home the next day but still I was not doing well. A little better but it kicked in again even harder and I barakaded myself in the other room and brine out the windows. My boyfriend called the police and they brought an ambulance and a psychologist. They took me to Marian hospitol and from there I had to go to Torrence for a 72 hour hold to four weeks.
It wasnt that bad there. The food was the worst. I had three orher girks in tge same room as me so that was good. I didnt really get bored because there was quite a few people there. We got to go outside and get air and exercise. We had group, meds, ate three times a day and of course they took ojr vitals about three or four times a day. We were able to take showers there but I did have to wear those darn gowns. I had to stay there about eight days so they could get me back to being regulated.
What a trio. I say, DONT EVER RUN OUT OF YOUR MEDS! I will nevzr mzke tbat mistake again. Good news though is that now all I take is Abilify 10mgs. and Mirtazapine 10mgs. So that is my wild story. Hopefully that doent happen again.
Im nit paintinh as much anymore but Iam thinking about picking one up. I have to be careful because my eyes are not that good anymore and its hard for me to see the small stuff.
Whzn I find one I will ve sure to to keep ylu up on my progress. I forgot how much I love writing in this blog. Im goung to keep it more updated then I have been, I promise. Thats all for now~chat again later ~B
AI picture: Brandy Renfrow
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