Hiya~ I feel so blessed to have good parents and especially a mom who is and has always been quite the health nut. My grandma was the same way. Back then my grandma always made everything by hand and never out of a box. She woukd make bread, tortillas, beans and lots of soups. Even during Thanksgiving, I never knew what Stove Top stuffing tasted lîke-lol. I never even had cold cereal until I met my boyfriend about seven years ago and Im 50.
For Christmas my mom always asks me what I want for Christmas and I never really kniw what to tell her. Its funny that when I want something I know but when it comes down to Christmas I never know what to say. She had mentioned that my sister was getting this box from Tally's Farms. It sounded like such a great idea. Where I'm at its a good fourty five minutes away from a grocery store. Here we do have the market but nothing like a regular grocery store with produce department. We do get the food bank too and I do jave to say thank you to all the local farmers to all the donations because sometimes we do get nice produce.
So this time when it came down to Christmas, I had to ask her if she would get us a subscription too. I thought if I sure to ask for anything that would be the best thing. She was so delighted I think that we wanted fruits and veggies, she said "sure!"
It has been so nice because now we get that box every Wednesday (which includes recipes) and we get food bank every Friday. Even the Buckhorn (the local resturant, bar and motel) gets their produce from them. Go figure 😆
It really helps with him, me, and his friend on disability and his son not working. Boy guys sure do eat a lot too. LOL!
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