Here we are again. Wow, Im doing pretty good trying to stay on task with this. I told you I was definetly going to try.
Oh guess what, not to take get off subject so straight away but I bought a walker treadmill like thing. Its so cool. A little smaller than a regular size tradmill and doesnt have all the bells and whistles of a treadmill but it sure nice. Here is a picture of it,
And yes I picked out a pink one. Just had to. It came yesterday and I brone it in and did thirty minutes of walking. Got me going too. A little bit of sweat and my blood flowing. I felt a little bit more alive-lol. It really wssnt all that expensive considering what you would pay for a treadmill. It was a hundred dollars. I tbink that will pay for itself just in gym a membership I do t have to pay for. I think every woman should have one especialñy for stay at home moms or like me who cant walk on the highway and there really isnt anytbing out here to go and exercise or do anything fun for that matter. Small towns ard funny like that.
Well, its been brought up again. The whole getting married thing. The first time we were going to do it he called it off because his son gave us Covid. That was a bummer because I had bought everything for it. Then I had my whole hospitol episode and the dress got trashed. My mom is funny, she said what do ou want to get married for? Just to call eachother husband and wife? LOL!
I was on Shein one if my favorite online stores and I found real pretty whitr skirt and on Temu I found whote too I believe will go good with it. I think its probably better we keep it a little more smart casual then all dressy dressy as we cant really afford the rent a tux and what not. I think once I get the top and skirt together and make sure they go well, I will set the date so we can just go down to the courthouse and do it. We gave been together for over seven years and I cant really see myself without him nor anyone else being able to love of me the way he does. Thats the thing you know. To imagine anyone else being able to put up with my quorks let alone my disability. Having the patience and the compassion that he has for me. Thats probably part of the reason I have always called him my angel eyes.
Irs funny but not really that I have become so dislexic. I have never had this problem before this disorder. I dont know if its the medication or the disorder. Im always hitting the keys right next to the letter I need. So it takes me that much longer to profread this because so many words are wrong. I think its the medication because it does say on the bottle that it does affect your eye sight and not to operate heavy machinery. My eye sight is already bad and it seems like my depth perception is off. I think its probably about that time that I get my eyes checked again too because I think my prescription could use some updating.
Oh last night my boyfriend made the best crepes. They were all gooie full of cherries. They were so yummy I couldnt hardly stand it but I ate so much if them. He filled up the whoole plate full. Mind you this was a midnight snack after dinner. But i coulnt resist, would you? Next time were going for the apple cinnamon. Yummmmm.
Hope all is well with everyone especially tbose of you overseas in Europe. My hope is that the conflict will cease and the families can heal. Im sure tbe children would sure appreciate that. I sure its hard being so close to them too and not feeling their pain or worry what else it could bring to neighboring countries.
Anyhow, my good wishes to you all. Ive got to get off my butt and get to my walking and warm-up. I was also thinking of incorporating my Brook Burke exercise dvd with it. Do the dvd first which is about 45 mintutes tben walk for 30. That I will have to get really motivated for. Ha ha!
Take care everyone ~B
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