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Showing posts with label Recovery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Recovery. Show all posts

Monday, June 22, 2020

Conscious Decisions & Positive Habits

I was a was at work today and started thinking about the video I listened to about self-doubt She had said you can't help how you feel but you can help how you react to it. That really had me thinking because I go through my day trying to be the best person I can and well as kind to all. It brought me to my first point about making conscience decisions. I should do that on a continuous basis but I don't sometimes because I get caught up on auto-pilot.  Being on autopilot you don't quite realize what I'm doing until afterward and sometimes not at all, or even I do just a bit later and just brush it off by either a justification or excuse I have for myself. 
Take smoking or instance. We say it's a bad habit right? What we should do is to remind ourselves just right before we grab it that it's not a good idea than making the conscious decision to not to smoke it. Now after that, we must make a good habit in replace of that bad one. A good habit like finishing something all the way through. Saying our please and thank yous. For a man, it would be pumping lady's gas or opening the door for her. Or simply grabbing aa piece of gum instead. 
Mine was mostly a having bad habit of not following through and finishing projects that I start. I first started with coloring in my coloring book. I noticed I started jumping around a bit too much and coloring parts and then losing interest and coloring other parts of another picture. I would have 5-10 pictures that I would be working on. It really was getting out of control. I sat there and then made a conscious decision to not color any more pictures until I finished at least one before I moved on. I would then lose interest and quit coloring for a few days. Being that I wanted to start a new habit that was positive for me I stuck to my guns and colored a picture all the way through. Coloring and making that conscience decision was very valuable. I now have all of my pictures colored and I'm proud of myself for following through. It also brought up my self-confidence in knowing that I can and I did. Even with this blog. It's not easy to continually write stories or even to start one and finish. Not to mention publishing it. Creating good habits and also being consciously aware to make the decisions that are right for the situation, place or thing, 
In order to form and keep a good habit os to practice it. It's much easier to practice bad ones as we don't really want to recognize we are doing them, 
It was funny I was in the car and I noticed a fast-food chain and thought it was burger king at first. No, it was called Habit. They named a burger joint after a word like habit. If you think about it it really makes sense. Most people get fast food while on road trips and they search out where to eat like. It's like getting fast food is a habit. Eating on road trips at fast food is a habit.  That there could and might become a habit too. LOL...I'm just making myself laugh now and being silly about this subject. 
My conscience decision today is to make it a habit of thinking positively even in adversity and formulating a system self checklist. I'm going to when  I'm having self-doubt ask myself why? Now that in itself will take a concise effort. Honestly make myself answer the question with three answers. Then ask myself if what I'm doing is positive, constructive, and productive. If my answers outweigh the reason why well then I need to set back and let it be in God's hands and trust not to have self-doubt. It's like right now I'm thinking most people won't like what I write but for some reason, I'm compelled to do so. If they don't like it well then they don't. I'm doing something I enjoy and am benefiting from tremendously personally. It must be leading to something good or developing something good in me. I still sure do hope you like it though.
 Good luck to you and thank you again for allowing me to share. 

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Self-Doubt Help for the Creator in Me

It's funny how the world works. I was just talking about me having self-doubt just the other day and I'm surfing the net today and find this great website which is about answering your creative calling. I just so happen to stable along this video called How to Break the Habit of Self-Doubt and Build Real Confidence. I encourage you to watch it as it may help you. Just passing along what I found to be in line with God's grace. It definitely hit a lot of keynotes with everything that is going on in my life. I hope you enjoy it. I'll be touching base back on this subject after I watch the whole thing as it is 16 lessons long. The site is Creative Live and does have other videos so you might want to check it out. 

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Self Doubt

I sure have been struggling with this for a while now. You wouldn't think so as I blog away anyways and continue on to work as nothing seems to bother me. Things bother me more than I let on. Maybe some people will agree with me but I try to put my best foot forward every day and not to bring others down but try to uplift them as to uplift myself. That sure was a mouthful but it's true.  I have been working on quite a few things diligently and nothing seems to be coming to fruition for me. 
My house still needs to be sold, my social security keeps getting denied even though my doctor put me on disability, I've gained 20 pounds and my clothes don't fit, I live like a pauper and sometimes have to go to the women's shelter to get food and  I have gone on a few different interviews but no job yet, This seems like I'm just being a cry baby and maybe so. This is my healing agent and so if I journal in it, I hope that's ok. 
I'm really trying to keep my head up. I really do miss coloring and would love to get a coloring book but I'm poor and need every last bit for gas and food. Sometimes I wish I were rich! I married well the two times that I did but the relationships didn't work out. I think often if I stayed I'm those relationships I wouldn't have these problems. Probably, not these problems but maybe most likey something else. I guess I should just be happy with what I do have and the wonderful people around me who support me in every way they can. I'm very grateful.
Sitting here writing is very meditative especially with music. I don't think of it as isolating or being too much of an introvert yet other times I disagree. I'm not wish-washy I promise...LOL. 
One good thing though the voices have been very calm lately. Possible my new meds, I'm sure on a high enough dose I would hope they would work at least a little bit. 
Even if I get my house sold I still have to figure out where to live and how to pay for it. I just hope things turn around for me soon and I see a brighter light at the end of the tunnel.
Practicing mindfulness and using coping strategies are okay right now. I could do better. I need to read more. Does anyone know of anything worth reading right now? Sometimes I think it's okay for me to be sad but I don't like it when I doubt myself and not publish some of the things that I write because of rejection. I am going to publish this and if you have any thoughts please share them with me and leave a comment. I appreciate it. Peace~

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Inspiration 4 the Day

Talk about fighting stigma or just boosting your self-confidence even after having a tough go-round. This guy has a pure heart and a special way of thinking that I sure do appreciate. It made me think about my last name and it is Shorts. I was teased a lot in my younger years about it so I dropped it as soon as I could after getting married. I hear what he has to say and I wrote this. 
    They tell me to go wear shorts, "Shorts", I say I'm in it for the long run. I have to be as it has taken me a long while to pull myself up after all that I have been through. I still have yet to find that "dream " job". that is okay as I have faith and a friend of mine told me this morning. Always keep the faith. It will never let you down. Well, I have to post the link to this video,  Art / My Way. Morley is featured on FineArtAmerica has a great message and I  encourage everyone to listen to it. He goes above and beyond and that is always what I try to do myself. Go BIG or Go Home, That has always been my moto and I have excelled in everything I have put my mind to. I didn't know when I was a little girl that I would travel around the world and even have the chance to see the pyramids in Egypt, Cairo but I have. I didn't know I would get schizophrenia and be schizophrenic but that's ok. I have lost everything that I'm used to but I'm investing change and have faith that my life will go better in a different way. Enjoy the video. and the message.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020


Hope House for March is pretty much done and still their doors will be closed until probably late May. Although, they are setting up to do online groups in a couple of weeks with Microsoft Teams. That also means that The Spring Job Club 2020 will be postponed until further notice. They will still have it and they are going to have another Job Club that is going to be more one on one that will be more intense but you will get payed to attend. The main office number to find out when they re-open their doors and when the Spring Job Club 2020 will commence is (805) 540-6500 ext. 0. Obviously, only those who qualify will attend.

Please be kind.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Am I Feeling Competent?

With All this going on I have to remind myself:

If so this is how I back it up to justify it with a list of accomplishments during the ay.

  • Personal Hygiene CompletedCooked breakfast and ate
  •  Cooked breakfast and ate
  • Organized my clothes
  • Washed dishes
  • Bed made
  • Colored
  • Wrote on website
  • Took Notes on subject stuying
  • Organized paperwork and folders
  • Ate dinner
  • Store for snacks
  • Bedtime was before midnight

With that list I can feel pretty good about my day.

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