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Saturday, March 4, 2023

What gets you going?

What kind of thoughts do you start your day with? 
When I wake up in the morning the first thing I think about other than sex is food.I think about taking my vitamins, medication and making my protein collagen peptides shake. I'm greatful for the new day and try not to let the "voices" bring me down. So I put a smile on my face of and think positive about things needing to be down throughout the day but of course after I go to the bathroom. Im usually excited as I get to kiss my love and feed my cat. By this I'm then able to plan what's next and usually that is to exercise but that doesn't always come to fruition. I try to d I a little at a time so that I don't burn myself out of it. Motivation is hard to come by lately in my room all by myself doing it and not at a gym. Sometimes I have to talk myself into taking a shower because either it's too cold or I just don't feel like getting wet. Yet I make it in there and I get to wash any bad thoughts away and present myself to the world the best way possible and brush my teeth. I cant stand a dirty mouth or when it gets dry. It does make smiling at myself in the mirror a lot easier. I put my makeup on and find something cute to wear so that I feel comfortable , cute and ready to face the challenges the day presents. I do my best not to Sabatoge myself while getting ready by not thinking I'm pretty or smart. I really have to watch myself at that because my voices say mean things to me day like a broken record so much so you start to believe it. Its like someone calling you stupid most your life well your bound to have a complex or think you are when your older. 
I dont really think about dinner until about the afternoon. Just last week I was doing a few paintings. I would love to post them here for you to see but Blogger has an issue when it comes to that. Posting pictures that is. 
I bought this little book called Just for today and this was one if the questions.
Here's an exercise. How would you answer a r this question? Don't critique yourself too much just put pen to paper and write it and don't read it until your done. You will be quite surprised by yourself. If you can hold off from stopping and reading n g it over or throwing it in the trash because you don't  think you should write it.  
Thanks for letting me share. I gotta tend to my time with my boyfriend. I isolate a lot so it's important for me to make time just for him.

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