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Saturday, August 13, 2022

Color my world and keep me cool!

I started coloring again. It has been at least eight months or so maybe longer. It feels really good. I was kinda stuck on the interior design games, so this is a good break. Keep the creative juices flowing. You can view my coloring pages at My Colorbook Printable Plus More. I also stated a group on Facebook for others to post their coloring pages to if you like  Shareing and being inspired by others is great. The group name is Adult Coloring book Colorist. 
On the home front, I have been doing well. My fiance noticed I'm quite a bit calmer these days. I have to attribute that to the menopause and estrogen vitamins I'm taking. They also have helped in me gaining weight. Not too bad at lease my boots are growing too.....LOL. Meds have been almost the same and Ability has been really helping lately but at night when I suppose to be going to sleep I can take Zyprexa. The voices and noise can be quite disturbing. One time when I was in the hospital the nurse told me he knew  how I felt because he has four children. My reply was, at least your go to sleep! LoL. Not funny but is. 
We may be having to move because the landlord wants to sell. Big bummer but I hope he moves us to one of his other property's. One in which is gated and has a lot of open space. Not to mention I on right next to a vineyard. The cool thing is that there is already running water. No well to have to maintain. That by the way has been pain staking. Dealing with the different types of pumps and pressure has been kinda a headache. No worries though my fiance always pulls through and figures out how to make it work. This property we are on value went up quite a bit when my fiance fixed that well. The landlord is appreciative and will help us regardless if and when we have to move. They want to keep him around as he has been doing the work on their propertys. Good job babe!!!!
Its another hot year again but not nearly as hot as last year. Its been ninety to the one hundreds. The fan, swamp cooler, air co ditioner bill is killer with PG & E, but we have to have them on. We have all three types.lol. My fiance actually found a wifi air-conditioner, he loves using the app to control it. 
So about the dirt in the window. Its so hard to keep up with it. Dirt ground everywhere and when the wind picks up its all over the place. It really does a good job. Surprising too because he found it at the dump. Someone threw it away because it stopped working. All that needed to be done was to clean the inside up a bit. He knows how to fix just about anything. It runs like a champ. 
Overall, things are steady and not chaotic which is nice. My back and hip are feeling better thank goodness. Just will have to take it easy on the elliptical from now on. Not as strong as I once was so its difficult to change that frame of mind. I have a natural instinct to be determined and peservere. I have to remind myself I'm not twenty something too. Until next time. ~B

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