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Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Optimistically Acknowledging the Past, Present and Future  

Optimistically Acknowledging the Past, Present and Futur

 One social media site of mine has been taken over by another language. It’s terrible because I can’t even read it. I have reported it, but it remains the same. Some of it is in English so I know it’s not my settings. I have tried to navigate my way through it, but it just might be clueing me in that I should learn another language. People are coming into this country by the boat loads an any way possible. They have some money, and the Euro is worth more than the American dollar. Here they come to live the American dream and support thier families. What do they do, buy businesses? So smart and they are backed by all the education they received abroad. They come speaking multiple languages and thier math skills are outrageously top notch making them great in technology and engineering. 

Most engineering, coding, language, and architecture jobs are lucrative. At math they are a whiz.

I read the other day that back in the fifties the engineers and unemployed at the end of the fiscal year made more money than a CEO. If you can believe that. I was shocked!

The European get some of the best cell phones and technology first. I know this in part because my friend made fun of me because I didn’t know what Bluetooth was. Nowadays some of our children could out smart me and some adults. I do have to admit I’m a bit behind the times. I didn’t touch a computer until I was twenty-two and a cell phone till I was twenty-seven years of age. My daughter for goodness sakes has been on a computer, cell phone, iPad and working with technology and gaming since she was a baby. We were told to go play outside and when our parents weren’t looking cardboard boxes and pots and pans. When I was in Paris and was looking for the Picasso museum, I met a girl whom I asked for directions because she was carrying a tourist bag from there. She politely asked me if I spoke any other language other than English and then she replies, "because I know five and English is the most difficult to speak”. She was only maybe seventeen or eighteen years of age. Embarrassed to say the least that was all I knew. To think about it I bet when she’s my age she will know English better than I. I’m on my way to finding what I should do or will doing to keep my mind busy, strengthen my focus, memory and support myself monetarily. Writing sure has helped as it allows room for creativity and self-expression in its own way of discipline. Also, being able to be open and let it pour out it relieves depression and anxiety. My thoughts that I’m not good enough gets challenged because I’m putting myself out there to be vulnerable for growth intellectually and personally. In this time, it’s quite a bit to see the positive aspect of situations because of the Corona virus. All the death has frightened many. The advancements with all the research that is being done and technology being implemented people are seeing the possibilities. Professionals are getting put to the test to be wiser, smarter, resourceful, and seeing beyond the impossible. Rising to the occasion and not just wavering in the back seat. 

I don’t know how long it has been but we as a global entity are all coming together for a positive reform and outcome, we can be proud of. More sanitary environment and giving back to our planet which has been desperately crying out. It’s a whole lot better than breaking out into a full fledge war. We are even helping each other and some of which we never thought we would see or do. The Corona virus is giving us strength in the health industry as it will continue by giving us better vaccines, flu shots, and methods in which will help others with chronic and fatal illness and disease. It is surely a milestone for everyone. One in which we will begin a new chapter in our history books and point of reference. Many are coming into thier own because they are having to find ways of making ends meet and to become entrepreneurs. We are learning to be self-sufficient, frugal, and safe with the way we interact in our environment, socially and taking action.

We are getting a voice. President O Biden is proposing to get our democracy back, reinstate ethics and morals for election tactics and voting protection an education. Most residents in all our neighborhoods are finding that faith has its value and hope is surely real and true. We are having to lean on one another to make a better world for future prosperity. We’re talking about inclusion and diversity for business and schools. Before it was merely ignoring what we didn’t approve of or liked. This brings about joy in our life as we know where we stand. There have been a lot of issues that have been brought up a couple of notches from being nonexistent or put on the back burner. Our children are having to be self-disciplined when it comes to thier studies, free time and extra-curricular activities. Parents are definitely having to be more involved and starting to remember what they learned in school. We are having to apply the knowledge from grade, middle, high school and even college to university to keep our children up to speed and more so beyond. Some parents are unemployed, working from home and socially distant with other people than family leaving them time to familiarize themselves with the studies of yesterday. We thought we would never need that stuff. Thinking about it we should bring up that point to our children at the dinner table. Family time is more prevalent yet I’m sure sometimes we get on each other's nerves. As humans we are everyday learning increasingly more about each other in our family and ourselves. Even going through depression because it has been brought to attention and counseling is available and acknowledged. We talk about self-love and taking time for ourselves in a more sufficient and profound way. The power of positivity and affirmations are being recognized for the impression they leave with us and each other. The impact we have in our business life and personal. We are supporting, hearing, and implementing programs for the veterans, disabled and ones with different sexual preference and orientation. Closing the gap so that everyone can walk thier path through life with thier chins up with reassurance. They matter and will be included if they so desire.

Many doors are opening as this pandemic has closed many. The negative elements of today are being recognized which is necessary to provide healing.

Virtual environments are successfully taking us to a whole new level. Communication, business, and day to day activity whether that be in school or work it will be so much more advanced but also in lames terms according to the Act of 1974. We are here now, yet the future will be on a whole new level. So much education at our fingertips and encouraged by our peers and elders. For our hands on learners, handicap, and rescue teams, hopefully virtual reality will help. I for now am striving to achieve and stay safe, for there are many changes, advancements and mutations developing. Environmentalists, thank you for your proactive involvement. Teachers your one of a kind and everyone I’m sure agrees and are grateful for your due diligence. With all that said, I want to sing the national anthem. As humans, even if you are machine like or part alien, we want to live, survive, and belong in this world so please be kind to one another, compliment, applaud them and encourage as seen fit. Everyone needs an ego boost plus you are investing in their well-being and self-esteem, honoring them creating value to their character. For that you should be proud and congratulate yourself as you deserve a brownie point. It's not every day or minute we stop and think of another's feelings, so to do so you're making a significant difference in tomorrow.






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