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Friday, November 27, 2020

My Bodyspace at Bodybuilding.com


 I just wanted to let people know that I was a bodybuilder for some time. I was training 5 days a week for about two years seriously. I dieted and followed programs and did it all on my own.  The reason I got into body building is because like a lot of women I was feeling insecure about my physical image. Not only that I had an eating disorder starting in high school and it lasted for eleven years.

Not until the birth of my daughter did, I allow my body to grow and be nourished like it should have been. I had it really bad. I not only was anorexic but I was bulimic too. I was averaging about 95 pounds to at the most about 110. It is one of the worst thigs I think I have ever put myself through. It is an obsessive compulsion disorder I would not wish on anyone.  I was blessed when I was 29 to get pregnant with my daughter and for some reason it was lifted. That and I was afraid of throwing up with a baby inside me and not to feed the baby either. So somehow, I was able to eat small portions and watch everything that I ate.  I was able to get through my pregnancy without having the problem with my eating disorders.   

I did not know when to come out and tell everyone this about my past but I don't see why I should hold it back. I have been through many different traumas in my life including being raped. I just want you to know so if ever anyone has any questions and would like to talk, I am available and have been through quit a few things myself. I do need to get back in the gym and wish they would open up. I'm the type of person who needs the gym and loves the free weight room. I love to strength train as I feel that if you have a strong body your mind will be as well and vice versa.  I used and still frequent the site often for training tips, food ideas and inspiration, not to mention they have pretty good prices to buy supplements. The site is called BodyBuilding.com.  I have what is called a Body Space where you post your progress photos and monitor your   weight and measurements. Plus, there are so many people on there doing the same thing and who are very inspiring and can be helpful with any questions as well. I started out with the Jaimie Eason program. She is great for women. She provides a training program along with a diet to follow.  She does this for women and men. I found her program to be very useful and I saw results very quickly.  My username is Imagynationkey, and you can view my progress photos and well as my gallery in my body space. All you have to do is search me and there it will be with all my stats and what I was doing then. It was back in 2012 and I'm just looking forward to getting back into it again.        

At this time I had my long blonder hair and I'm just waiting for it to grow back. In 2017 I suffered a chemical burn and my hair was damaged to the point that I have to shave my head.

I encourage anyone who is at a plateau or just would like to get motivated by a little pep talk to not be shy to ask questions, I do not have my trainers license and I have never done any shows and that is because I was doing it for myself and I'm' very shy. Too scared to get up on stage. I just have the knowledge that I used to train myself and feel great doing it.
Thanks for letting me share and remember I'm only an email away or just leave me a message.


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