Hiking Near Me

Monday, November 23, 2020

Totally Random, Journal entries shared.

My walk on the pier at Pismo Beach

November 8, 2020

Physical activity is not looking good at the moment as it is blowing wind right now. Very hard and blowing pollutants too
 Need to check the report again about the quality of air. So, I
 will be inside. Maybe I'll just do a stretch. Depends on how many distractions I get. I really wish the gym would open.

November 13, 2020

Exercise & Whatever else.
1.went shopping today so that got me out of the house.
2. Vons took a lot longer than expected, waiting lines for the register and me being a lookie loo loo. 
3. I was able to find my car.
lost the face masks I bought today. bummer because they were Christmas ones.
4. Logged in with Google Maps and fixed work location. Also did more reviews. Fourteen more points and I will be level four

I'm always trying to find my car. It's like I totally draw a blank when I come back out a store. I'm so enthralled with the excitement and then the focus that it takes can be daunting. If I don't I forget stuff, go down an isle and forget Why I went there. Sometimes, I can't make up my mind and I will go back and forth literally to what I want and what I might want to exchange it for as it being what I really wanted or want. Not to mention I'm totally talking to myself and even arguing to myself. 
I do catch myself and look around hoping nobody is paying attention or even happen to notice. 
It's a tough gig going to the store for me. Sometimes I even get lost in thought just driving there. Then realize what I'm doing and what I'm supposed to be doing. 
so, I do like to make check lists of you will of the things I got done. My accomplishments do I don't feel so down on myself.

November 16, 2020
I downloaded this app and it says I should journal every day and do these steps as to feel better about myself. So, I'm sharing with you some of my Journaling. Not much but random day to day stuff everybody does from day to day. My guess though your days and thoughts are much more organized than mine as well you're writing and thought process to write things down are quite a bit different. Not to mention, you're probably thinking why is she writing this kind of stuff. Who cares right? Well, it's not your fault. This is my disease/ disorder. You just don't know how to relate. Someone like me would totally get it. You see. 

November 16, 2020 second time today.

This is have to tell you. Oh yeah forgot to tell you what I'm talking about. The goal you have set here for reading four books. It will never happen. Not that I can't, well sorry of. Just don't have the discipline to do so. I have read too this day only one book from front to cover and that was Harry Potter, the first one. After that would be Ernest Hemingway. Didn't get all the way through but a good part of it. Lack of concentration. Been this way since I was young. I hated book reports, did them but never read any of the books. Just scanned the pages, marked down some events and then have my opinion. Plus sorted through to find the key players. Always went from the back to front, first few pages of each side then one third of the book on each side to complete it. That was basically the meat of it the "middle". Passed every time and got that gold star. Bad huh? Did better with Algebra. I also love to short read. This Bits of subjects and things I find fascinating and important. Also, terrible with TV. I find doing things for a long time in length is just a no go. I lose my interest and will look maybe that I get it but I don't and have to put keywords that were used to pull it together. That's how I did it at the bank. Most of what my lead was saying went right over my head. For the most part at first. Takes a bit more I think for me than it did for the others to gain understanding before I'm able to actually do it hands on. Those compliance tests were tricky. But I used the same concept to pass them. Some of what was told to us in briefing, that's what I call it to match concepts. The brief helped me to correlate and be able to recognize to bring it actually as a transaction. The teacher is the one that gives clue to what's important and will come up later. 

Did talk to my mom today. She told me about the insurance company sending her a text. They did me too an email. No one told my homeowners insurance that I sold my house. Yikes! 
We'll all is fine and will receive a small refund.
Probably and thinking I may do my car insurance with them. not sure just yet. 
oh yeah back to harmony with family. Mom's not sure if she is going to do Thanksgiving dinner. Still a week yet to go so we will see. I will have to go it alone.
My feelings about family are all over the board. It is my family and a weakness for me. I can maintain but I don't know about the others primarily my sister, I would like to see my girl. I think it will be predictive of what Christmas will be like. 
Mom and are ok right now. She claims she thinks of me and worries. I can understand that. She did help me with clothes to work for the bank. 
My daughter well that remains to be seen to. It is being taken slow. 🐌 I think she is liking the idea that I'm here for her. My family is having difficulties relating to me as well as having to take it for what is worth and deal with it. I'm patient, they will come around all-in due time.
Really makes me sad but it took time to get to this place so I know it will take time now and maybe not at all. 
Just have to well, try and bring something inside myself that is happiness. Dealing with all this mental stuff and just everything that has transpired, it is difficult. 

November 17, 2020

Ok, another day. First off, I made coffee and ate cheerios for breakfast. A little hanky panky with boyfriend. Didn't take a shower but I put deodorant on and brushed my hair with my new found favorite now brush. Wearing a dress today and high heels. Sure, hope that the bottoms don't come off like the other ones In the dollar tree. That was way embarrassing! Anyhow, just need to finish my make-up, not lipstick though. No point with the mask. First, get meds, 2nd, return the dress at Marshals 3. Spend Walmart gift card $30 from NORC the Facebook survey research. We will see how this works. I still have a $10 Dollar one from the other survey. See it was a compilation of surveys and we were compensated for participating. 
Guess what happen to me? I found the Salvation Army Christmas tree right there when you walk in the store. I felt like doing something nice for a child and their family. You see when we were kids, we didn't have much money and one year my mom couldn't afford to buy Christmas presents nor put a lot of food on the table. We are Indian and my mom has a number. So we went to the hall and mom got cheese, bread, milk and probably other food items. Then we were approached by some people who kindly asked us to go to the tree and pick a present. We were so surprised and did not expect that not food my mom. So, since I have a bit of money from selling my house, I felt encouraged to do for someone else who doesn't have. So I picked a ticket of the tree and it had on there the child's name, age, and what they needed as well as a wish item. It was fun to pick it out and imagine how the child would smile the parents will see and feel that people do care. 

I let you in on the way I deal with things, my thought process and how it works out with the way I write think and feel. I'm fairly smart at least I would think so. I did graduate from high school, got an AA degree. Have worked many years in jobs from here to England 🇬🇧 UK. I have been married two times and have a daughter and bought and owned my own home. But now this is what I deal with and it's not being what I once was that is challenging. I hope that these writings gives you a peek hole into my lifes' day.

I hope this day treats you well. My next day will be coming soon. I just see everyday as a blessing yet a challenge. I will walk through it and have the strength to smile on as I seize my day for what it's worth. Try not to trip myself up too. Lol 😆 Bless you all. Thanks for reading and allowing me to share.


Friday, November 6, 2020


Check this out! I was walking down to my hairstylist and turned my head and noticed these roosters were just roaming down the street. I was shocked but entertained at the same time. Though you might get a kick out 
of it too so I just had to share. From what I was told is that they live there and are allowed to roam around. Way better than being in a pin all day. 

Sunday, November 1, 2020


I wrote this as I was sitting thinking and I had taken a picture of some orange flowers at work. I don't know why but these words starting flowing in my mind. They do that sometime, so I wrote typed them out but for some reason I stumbled with my fingers and deleted it.  I was so sad, but I thought to myself it was probably meant for me to try again and it would come out better. It did at least I think so and I wanted to share it with you.

Orange is a color
of energy and sporting events
provides us florals and citrus fruit.
vitamins and nutrients
helping us live a healthy life
bright and bold as 
a sunset in the evening
that lays across the horizon
It makes you feel at home
and warms you when your cold
cinnamon and apple cider during
 reminding you of fall
Joyful memories 
fun and delightful
for it helps celebrate
a color of the rainbow
Even though it's secondary
It's as vibrant
as they are grateful for
its contribution to the wheel
You remind me of these
as you walk today
yesterday and future comings
you my friend I wish
you all the best
Thankful that you
are in my life today
Bringing a smile
to each and everyone

 by Brandy M Renfrow


Saturday, October 24, 2020

My Opinion, The World Today

Is the day as long as night?

Heavens lay high as sin down under

Away from what’s left

That is the middle of complications and filth

Always not knowing and scrambling like rats

Living in a box that we don’t know how to step out of

Leaving us with debt and financial trouble

Worrying about the suffering of others we don’t know

But not treating our own bodies as healthy as should

Walking in another person’s shoes as they say but we can’t hardly

Stand a sight of ourselves in the mirror without some augmentation

Cursing your neighbor or the traffic light not suggesting anything other

that you have no Emotional intelligence.

Weighing yourself for acknowledgement, determination and discipline did you look good

 putting on the right clothes for the first impression that mere second could turn it sour

Getting ready for that hot date or a conference that may just happen to be that one

That lands you a promotion or a wife forever lasting happiness and children

It fulfills all expectations for self -confidence hoping the ego doesn’t stand out more

You look in your mind as easy as they come yet always holding tight

That dollar you so very much earned

This life is so full of hope yet there is such disaster everywhere

Sickness called Covid-19 has invaded our world.

Many are unemployed and starving being quarantined or confined

Six feet distance is the new norm

Wearing face masks are vital

Even the President found that out.

A little late so sorry but you should have

been practicing what you preached and enforced

Of course, we need to survive and feed our families

Many have to go to local food banks

We promote the trend of face masks making it a fashion trend

And supporting local business is vital for our cities lively hood

Not too many comedians do we hear about now

Yet there are many arguments especially in Congress

Spreading bad behavior and greed        

Making our air waves dirty and full of hate

All lives matter especially during certain times

Always need to pay special attention to feelings

Race, politics, religion and sex have always been subjects we tend to avoid

Facing it and having an opinion on any subject matter can lead

 Riots break out and feelings get hurt

People are sad by others behavior and lack of empathy

Schools are shut down and teachers and teaching our children

By merely much support from the states and government

Corporations are recognizing and helping out

Teaching using all their strength, resources and the internet to provide education.

Many don’t work or lost hours

Bills are piling up and houses get put on the market too soon

Afraid of foreclosure and business having to shut down

Stimulus checks are handed out as to acknowledge

 our deficit and pandemic that spreads from country to country

leaving death and despair contributing to depression

Social humans we are having to live without our daily schedules, people

To see, projects to be completed and gatherings we enjoy

Depression, self- worth, too much energy to confine, bouncing off the walls

Arguments start and we eat to much because we are bored.

Walls are caving in for the people who are extrovert sometimes needing now counseling

Introverts are used to being alone and keeping in feelings

 Bombarded by the other now makes a recipe for household chaos

As stores and diners are slowly opening it’s just a hassle

Wearing masks are essential and appear sadly how it will be forever

Yet we do make an excuse to shop just to get out of the house.

Buy that something that if only makes you happy for a bit

Its justified because it was on sale because of all of this.

Who knows what are children are thinking?

As they look around and watch all of this happen before them

Everything has changed so dramatically that even

 they are having a hard time adapting

McDonalds no longer cells salad

So, what is essential I ask you

Does it compare anything to needs and wants

Government banned Methyl cigarettes just showing ‘

That they are the ones to blame for cigarettes still being sold

Warning us of the health hazards which now looks like

They were just watching population control as we would never think that

Marijuana is now accepted widely now from county to county

Don’t they realize that they are saying its ok for people to get high

If it was to help cancer patients, why don’t doctors hand it out?

Not like they are worried about our lungs

As it already has been shown that they have the power yet can’t decide

Like all those ads and warnings about coffee, soda, cigars, wine, beer and spirits

 It seems like the sale and growing permission they gave

Is because they feel bad about the economy

These are all things I think about and have an opinion about

So, if it offends you, I’m sorry this is what I happen to observe.

Is this anything you have noticed or agree with?

Just ask yourself and go along your day

by Brandy Michelle  











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